Crisis Ready

Melissa Agnes

Crisis Ready



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In today’s interconnected world, with the real time communication that social media allows, the correct management of a crisis can make the difference to the survival of any type of organisation. Crisis Ready is a step by step manual that lays out the way in which we should behave before and during a negative incident, to limit or even completely eliminate the impact on one of the main assets of any company, its credibility.

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Analysis and key concepts


The neglected risk of the “social” era: High visibility leads to an exponential increase in brand exposure in times of crisis, leading to the destruction of economic value


Build the defence before the crisis hits: a complex 5-step strategy is the only effective way


A plan is not enough, we need a business culture that allows the team to make the right decisions at a time of crisis


The first factor in a crisis is linked to emotion: what people feel is stronger than what they think


During a crisis, people expect transparency. A mistake can be forgiven but people will not forgive a cover up attempt


The only way to manage a crisis is to be prepared and to have already established a program with your team, not a plan


The communications manual for times of crisis should be a set of information and guidelines that enable members to act quickly and closely




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Many useful tips to:

  • Identify possible crisis scenarios and the right plan to manage them.
  • Train and involve everyone in the organisation
  • Learn to manage a crisis in a way that reduces any negative effects.

Melissa Agnes, founder and CEO of Crisis Ready Institute, is an authority in the area of reputation management, brand protection and crisis management. She has worked with international organisations such as Nato, and is a consultant to many different types of organisations, from colossal tech companies to banks. Her blog Crisis Ready and her Podcast Invincible Brand are used by thousands of people every day.

Publishing house:

Mascot Books Inc





