She’s Back

Lisa Unwin , Deb Khan

She’s Back



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She’s Back is an agile and pragmatic handbook to help women in the difficult task of going back to work after a long break, often due to motherhood and caring for a family. A book based on years of research in various sectors and on the real experience of women who have refused to compromise, and have managed to build a new and gratifying career.
Data, statistics, real-life examples, tools, strategies, techniques and exercises to help be better prepared and stronger for a job market which, if on the one hand is super competitive, on the other is open to new models and offers new opportunities.

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Analysis and key concepts


Women and their return to work


The She’s Back manifesto designed for women


A snapshot of the current situation of women and the world of work


The benefits for businesses in hiring a woman


Change mentality to return to the working world


Your CV must tell your story


The strategy to create a useful network to find a new job


The tools for the job market: guidelines for creating a CV, improving your Linkedin profile and preparing for an interview


The plan of attack to re-enter the job market


How to negotiate flexibility




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand how the recruiting market really works. Create a story that explains your worth. Mobilize a network that supports your ambitions. Find a job that is good for you.
  • Learn the strategies, tools, techniques and tactics needed to get back to work after a break. Examples, personal stories, lists and exercises designed to give you achievable ideas, and the right motivation.
  • Take advantage of the right time to make a change: thanks to the digital revolution, today we have the opportunity to work in many different and more flexible ways.

Lisa Unwin is the founder of She's Back, a company whose purpose is to help businesses to access the unique talent of women who return to work after a long break. Former partner of Arthur Andersen Business Consulting and Brand and Communication Director of Deloitte, Lisa had a twenty-year long career in business services before founding She's Back.

Deb Khan has combined two successful careers, leveraging her creative arts background. She has a proven track record as a leadership, team performance and change consultant, for numerous companies in various sectors from advertising to the media, from technology to charity, right up to education.

Publishing house:

Urbane Publications





