Why Men Win at Work

Gill Whitty-Collins

Why Men Win at Work



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Gender inequality in the workplace is all too real, but it is often ignored, or people assume that it is a thing of the past. Inequality is a result of the invisible issues entrenched in a male-oriented work culture that is obsolete, but that persists nonetheless. In Why Men Win At Work, Gill Whitty-Collins sheds light on some of the key factors that need to be recognised and changed, if the workplace is to become truly inclusive and welcoming to everyone, regardless of their gender.

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Analysis and key concepts


The issue of gender equality at work is real, and the first step is admitting it exists


Nothing is being done about injustice in the workplace, because the culture that favours men is invisible


The main problem lies in the different competence/confidence equations in men and women


Men use the brotherhood to their advantage, but women seem to struggle with the idea of sisterhood


There are women who win at work, if they have a sense of humour, are determined, and work hard


Immediate, collective action is needed if we are going to put an end to this discrimination




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the issues that give men a natural advantage in the workplace.
  • Discover why women are rarely promoted beyond a certain level in their field.
  • Put new techniques into practice for a more inclusive and equal workplace for everyone.

Gill Whitty-Collins is an English writer, speaker, and coaching consultant specialised in gender diversity issues at work. After graduating in Modern & Mediaeval Languages from Cambridge University, Whitty-Collins joined Procter & Gamble, where she quickly became Marketing Director, then General Manager, and finally Senior Vice President. This was when she started to notice the difficulties and obstacles women face, in order to rise through the ranks in their careers. She became increasingly invested in the issue, and made it her mission to advocate the creation of businesses founded on the ethics of gender equality. In 2020, she published Why Men Win At Work…And How We Can Make Inequality History.

Publishing house:

Luath Press





