17 Reasons why Businesses Fail

Pooja Agnihotri

17 Reasons why Businesses Fail



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Using examples of her experiences gathered during her career as an expert in marketing, and not without a touch of casual irony, Pooja Agnihotri shares the most common mistakes that she has seen many entrepreneurs make, whether they have been in business for years or they were just starting out. Every organisation, from the smallest to the largest, is in danger of making the same set of mistakes, and these can lead to the collapse of the business. One of the aspects she looks at more closely is the use and mis-use of marketing, and how that can determine whether a business will, or will not, be successful.

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Analysis and key concepts


Making mistakes is normal, but what leads us to make them is our inability to recognise them for what they are


Before launching any type of business, you need a long term strategy


Market research is the most important thing to do before starting any business


To be successful you need to develop a good idea, and if it doesn’t generate a profit, it is probably wiser to move on to something else


Having excellent knowledge of your target sector is essential for successful integration


Learning to manage people and developing the skills to become a good manager are key to the success of any company


The use of marketing is very important, but certain myths must be dispelled


Advertising plays an important role but for it to bring results, it must be adequate


Lack of financial planning and an inability to stick to a budget are the main causes of business failure


Providing adequate customer service and listening to customer feedback will help your business grow


Investing in yourself, on both your health and continuous learning, is the key to the successful management of your business




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn from other people’s mistakes to avoid committing them yourself, regardless of the sector in which your business operates.
  • Make the best management choices for your business.
  • Understand how to use marketing and how much of a difference it can make to the success or failure of your business.

Pooja Agnihotri is still head of marketing at the company she founded, Bizadmark, a New York based marketing and digital advertising agency. She is a staunch supporter of the humanisation of brands, meaning the process that makes marketing an ethical way of transmitting the added value of a product to the customer. She has helped more than 100 companies to build profitable relationships with their customers, and firmly believes that an efficient use of data, creativity and technology can make marketing better for both businesses and the planet.

Publishing house:

Independently published





