7L: The Seven Levels of Communication

Michael J. Maher

7L: The Seven Levels of Communication



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The real estate sector is not what it used to be, and the old marketing techniques, such as cold calling,are no longer effective. In his book, The 7 Levels of Communication: How to go from relationships to referrals, Michael J. Maher lays out a new strategy that has brought him and many other people great success. He shares his techniques by telling the story of Rick Masters, an imaginary salesperson whose business is hanging in the balance. While looking for answers, Rick finds the Generosity Generation, and takes lessons from a coach who helps him take his business to levels of growth that he had never believed possible. The techniques and strategies laid out in the book include the Communication Pyramid, The Triangle of Trust, the Networking Stack, Connecting to Connectors, and more, all of which Maher recommends as a sure means to improving both your business and your life.

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Analysis and key concepts


Relationships can make or break a person’s success in the real estate sector


The Generosity Generation focuses on relationships


The highest levels of the communication pyramid are those that help you strengthen the relationship with your customer


Perseverance and time management are vital


Connecting with Connectors: a strategy to get ready for a networking event


The one-on-one meeting: the highest level in the communication pyramid


This is not about marketing to clients, it's about building a community


Knowing your clients’ behavioural style is crucial




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Find out about The Generosity Generation, what it is, and how it could help you.
  • Learn to do business by focusing on relationships.
  • Learn a few sales and time management techniques.

Michael J. Maher is the founder of The Generosity Generation. His goal is to help sellers earn more by living better. He is also known as America’s most Referred Real Estate Professional. In his third year working full time in the real estate business, he made over a million dollars. When it comes to relationship building, referrals, networking, business generosity and marketing, Michael Maher is one of the most in-demand speakers in the United States.

Publishing house:

Benbella Books





