A Leader's Gift

Barry Banther

A Leader's Gift



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A Leader’s Gift provides an interesting and unique perspective on the art of leading people. According to Barry Banther’s theory, a real leader represents a gift to their colleagues, and they must behave as such. The concept of the gift is fitting if we think of how important it is to build relationships around trust and teamwork, which are both based on the act of giving. Knowing how and when to give our time, actively listen, or be involved in the lives of other people are key qualities of an effective leader. Leaders who ‘gift’ their time will receive a great deal of recognition and appreciation in return, but will also get the gift of seeing their associates succeed.

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Analysis and key concepts


Leadership is not so much about doing, as being, and it is a process that involves the whole person


Every great leader has a gift, which allows them to be loved and followed


The secret to great leadership is to put other people first


Recording daily updates in a notebook helps us to become more conscious leaders


Sharing the gift means mastering the art of encouragement


Leadership influences all areas of our life, not just at work




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Many useful tips to:

  • See leaders in a different light.
  • Improve our leadership skills, and discover the secrets of being loved, and listened to.
  • Understand the essential strengths leaders need for them to be remembered as such.
  • Learn practical tips on how to use leadership to become a better person.

Barry Banther is the president and CEO of Banther Consulting Corporation and Banther Family Advisors. As an accomplished and respected professional, he has overseen many major projects for large companies such as Pfizer and Rockwell International. Over the years, he has held numerous leadership courses, for which he has received prestigious awards from the Institute of Management Consultants and the National Speakers Association. Banther is one of the few experts in the world to have received such high-level recognition.

Publishing house:

Greenleaf Book Group





