A Radical Awakening

Shefali Tsabary

A Radical Awakening



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Both men and women, from the moment they are born, are conditioned by society, but ultimately, it is women who bear the scars of our patriarchal culture. From childhood, women are taught to be ‘good girls’, i.e. people who are worthy of love, acceptance and appreciation, since they are subject to specific behavioural standards. This fear of rejection stops women from living freely and from simply being themselves. In her book, A Radical Awakening, Dr Shefali Tsabary unveils this insidious indoctrination, step by step, and suggests ways for you to discover your authentic self, to free yourself from the cultural bonds instilled in you as a child, and start living your own life, as your authentic self.

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Analysis and key concepts


The society in which we live has a profound influence on how we become sentient adults, and often completely ignores an individual’s personality


The unconscious fear of rejection and abandonment dominates most of the decisions that women make


Wearing the mask of a generous person is the first defence a woman uses when she feels rejected and is afraid of being abandoned


Another defence pattern to ease a person’s anxiety of not being good enough is trying to control their environment


The last defence model is made up of three types of takers: the diva, the princess, and the child


Change begins when a woman realises that both the problem and the solution depend on her


Letting go of being fragile and learning to count on themselves will allow women to break the pre-established (externally dictated) pattern on which their life is based.




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn to free yourself from society’s expectations so that you can live more spontaneously.
  • Transform your inner fear into power.
  • Rediscover who you really are, beyond your social conditioning.

Dr Shefali Tsabary is an expert in family dynamics and the personal development of women, as well as a New York Times bestselling author. She has a PhD in clinical psychology from Columbia University and is a specialist in the integration of Western psychology with Eastern philosophy. She has written four books, including The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. Dr Shefali is an educator of international renown, and holds workshops and courses both online and in person, all over the world.

Publishing house:

Harper Collins





