A Technique for Producing Ideas

James Webb Young

A Technique for Producing Ideas



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A Technique for Producing Ideas begins by introducing itself as a short text that can be used by creative people from all over the world. First published in 1940, it is a book that has helped advertisers, poets, writers, painters, and many other artists from a variety of disciplines, to produce new ideas. The text, whilst concise, is brimming with content, and outlines a 5-step method that can be used to help us be more creative. The method suggested by James Webb Young promises to help you come up with memorable ideas, as well as developing the ability to generate new ideas on demand. Producing new ideas can be a complex undertaking, and yet all it takes for anyone to feel like a real creative talent is to learn how to use Young’s method. In fact, inspiration only plays a small role, when it comes to generating new ideas, because what really matters, is the creative process that you develop over time, as you continue to build on your experience.

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Analysis and key concepts


Inspiration is only a small part of producing new and original ideas


Fill a blank page with writing


To come up with new ideas, you have to combine the old knowledge with the new


The concept of word-symbol in advertising and the kaleidoscope effect


James Webb Young’s 5-step method


Practical tips for developing new ideas




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Many useful tips to:

  • Access creativity in a systematic way. 
  • Understand Young’s 5-step method designed to help you produce new ideas. 
  • Reflect on the concepts of inspiration and creation.

James Webb Young (1886 - 1973) was an American advertiser, who became famous for his contribution to the worldwide expansion of the Walter Thomson Company. A professor at the Advertising University of Chicago, he began working as a copywriter in 1912 for the Walter Thompson Company, of which he became vice president in 1916. When he retired in 1928, Young nevertheless continued to work as a consultant and director of Walter Thompson until 1964. In 1939-41, he founded the War Advertising Council, which later became the Advertising Council. Proclaimed Advertising Man of the Year in 1946, he has received numerous awards and honours, and was inducted into the American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame.  His little book, A Technique for Producing Ideas, which was first published in 1940, continues to be a point of reference for contemporary creative talents.

Publishing house:

McGraw-Hill Education





