
Rory Sutherland




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In this book, the author presents a relatively new branch of economic science: the study of human behaviour that challenges any logical explanation. Through the analysis of some successful products and advertising campaigns,  we look at the evolutionary, non-psychological and contextual factors that influence human behaviour and produce actions that, if observed through the lens of logic, seem to be completely meaningless. We will discover how the rational method is often completely wrong when applied to market analysis and how all too often even clients themselves can not explain the exact reasons behind their choices. The solution is a little alchemy, meaning the magical manipulation of perception to indirectly guide the behavioural response.

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Analysis and key concepts


Why logic is not always the best choice and why human behaviour is very often irrational


Human beings make decisions for psycho-logical reasons, not based on reason or logic


Is human behaviour really illogical or does it just look that way when it is studied in the context of logical methods?


Data, percentiles and mathematical averages can be misleading


The reason why human behaviour often strays from logical reasoning




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn that the opposite of a good idea is not necessarily a bad idea.
  • Understand that following logic is not always the right way to solve a problem.
  • Appreciate that human behaviour is coloured with irrational actions that depend directly on our evolutionary past.

Rory Sutherland was editor and creative director of Ogilvy in the UK before becoming vice president and founder of the behavioural science practice within the company. He is also the presenter of a radio show on BBC Radio 4, he writes regularly for Spectator, Market Leader and Impact magazines and occasionally for Wired. His TED Talk has had more than six million views. He was president of the IPA (Institute for Public Professionals) and the IDM (Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing) made him an honorary lifetime member. “Alchemy: The Surprising Power of Ideas That Don’t Make Sense” is his second book.

Publishing house:

WH Allen





