Almost is Not Good Enough

Andrew Jennings

Almost is Not Good Enough



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Almost is Not Good Enough explains winning techniques that can be used in the retail market. The world has evolved over time, changing drastically, and tactics that worked well years ago, no longer work today. Anyone wanting to embark on a journey into sales, must first go through a preparation phase, in which they put the consumer first, create a memorable experience for them, and then try to ensure that their brand or product / service is relevant. Playing the game in this day and age is no easy task. Every business, large or small, must combine both offline and online strategies into their overall plan, make sure that their message is suitable for the type of communication channel they are using, and, most important of all, have passionate people presenting the product so as to transmit enthusiasm. Not doing much, or just enough, is no longer sufficient - you have to excel.

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Analysis and key concepts


Retail has undergone profound changes in recent years


You need to remain relevant to be considered on the market


Redefine your company based on consumer needs


Talent is a defining feature of success


Going international requires starting the analysis work all over again




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn the techniques you need to use, in order to be relevant in today's market. 
  • Understand the fundamental aspects to consider if you want to open a shop or start a brand.
  • Discover the mistakes to avoid if you want to remain dynamic in the retail world. 
  • Seek inspiration to determine what your strengths are, so as to be able to turn them into choices and actions. 

Andrew Jennings is a leading retail executive with over 45 years of experience in the field. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of consumer behaviour, and the most effective sales practices, he has helped big and small names to establish themselves in the consumer market. Jennings is well-known all over the world, having partnered with Harrods in the UK, Saks Fifth Avenue in the USA, and Woolworths in South Africa. His true strength lies in being able to adapt individual business models to various local contexts. 

Publishing house:

Whitefox Publishing Ltd





