An Elegant Defense

Matt Richtel

Matt Richtel

An Elegant Defense



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In his book The best defense. The new science of the immune system. A story in four lives, Matt Richtel takes us on a tour through the workings of the immune system, via the historical pioneers who helped develop the immunotherapies that are still used today. He also uses the stories of some people he knew to illustrate its sophisticated mechanisms. In this fascinating and enlightening book, the author shows us how the defence mechanisms of our body are dependent on constant subtle balances: if they are too aggressive, they could risk killing us; if they are not incisive enough, they could end up leaving us at the mercy of those silent but lethal threats: the billions of pathogens scattered all over the world.

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Analysis and key concepts


Some viruses and bacteria are lethal, while others are useful (and often indispensable) to the functioning of our lives


The immune system rests on a subtle balance that is halfway between an aggression which could potentially kill us, and a lack of offensive, which would otherwise make us vulnerable to attack by pathogens


The first discoveries about the immune system did contain some truth, but they were also flawed. Yet, these finds were also an essential step towards learning the truth.


There are two types of lymphocytes. T lymphocytes combat pathogens, but they mostly serve to coordinate the body’s defences. B lymphocytes are carriers of antibodies, and they play a key role in our protection


B lymphocytes possess trillions of different antibodies


There are two types of immune system: the innate and the adaptive. The innate immune system is capable of determining whether antigens are harmful or beneficial


Cells communicate with one another through the production of cytokine, protein molecules that let the cells know whether or not to attack viruses and bacteria


Jason Greenstein was saved from cancer mainly thanks to a series of operations that transplanted his immune system, but later ended being attacked and killed by it




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the fascinating workings of the human immune system.
  • Appreciate just how important it is.
  • Learn about the main breakthroughs in the history of immunology.

Matt Richtel is an American journalist and writer who was born in Los Angeles in 1966. After gaining experience in some minor newspapers, in 2000 he took his place as a journalist for the New York Times, where he still works today. In 2010, he was awarded the prestigious Pulitzer Prize for a series focussing on driving distractions and its consequences. Richtel has written several best selling books, both fact and fiction, as well as essays, various academic papers, and countless articles as a reporter.

Publishing house:

William Morrow & Co





