Atatürk Addio

Marco Guidi

Atatürk Addio



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In Atatürk Addio: Come Erdoğan ha cambiato la Turchia, (Farewell, Atatürk: How Erdogan Has Changed Turkey), Marco Guidi sheds light on the geopolitical situation in the Republic of Turkey, by examining both its early and recent history, as well as on the controversial politician, Erdogan. Who is the man behind the politician, and what led him to make certain choices? And to take certain measures? Guidi lays the country wide open, showing us that while Turkey may not be European, it is much closer to Europe than some would expect, and less distant than others would like. This is a captivating read, which explores and explains the little known aspects of one of the most delicate and complex areas of the current international geopolitical arena.

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Analysis and key concepts


Is Erdogan a champion of democracy in disguise, or a dictator dressed up as a democrat?


The events of Gezi Park and Kobani should have made it clear just how ruthless Erdogan actually is


The aftermath of the post-coup repression bordered on the farcical, and didn't even remotely resemble democracy or justice


The differences between Erdogan and Atatürk explain their contrasting visions for Turkey


Atatürk’s rise to power was rooted in the social and political circumstances that have affected Turkey for many years


The balance between progress and decline in Turkey: from Atatürk to Erbakan and Erdogan


Erdogan is passionate about politics, but has trouble managing his own ambitions, for which he is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone


Erdogan's party would not have been so successful, had it not been for the Hizmet movement


Foreign policy is not Erdogan's strong suit, and he has made far too many mistakes in this area


Is Erdogan Turkey's leader because he won the elections, or did he win the elections because he is Turkey's leader?




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the social and political processes that have shaped Turkey, and continue to do so.
  • Learn more about Erdogan’s controversial politics.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of Middle-Eastern issues, and the precarious balance between the East and the West, by shedding light on the Republic of Turkey’s history.

Marco Guidi is a journalist with over 30 years’ experience: he was a war correspondent for the Middle East and the Balkans for many years, and is an expert on Turkey, a country he has been visiting regularly for almost 50 years. He has reported extensively for major Italian national newspapers, such as Il Messaggero, La Stampa, Il Resto del Carlino, and the Neapolitan daily Il Mattino, specialising in the Middle East and Islam, promoting dialogue between the East and West. He has been a professor at the School of Journalism at Bologna University since its founding, and also taught journalism for the UN and International Cooperation.

Publishing house:

Il Mulino





