Beyond Wins

Mala Subramaniam

Beyond Wins



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Any business relationship is built one discussion at a time, and through a long series of negotiations. We must bear in mind that a good negotiator does not aim to get the better of the other person, or “win against them”, rather, he strives to ensure that everyone's goals are achieved, so as to ensure that he can count on that same person in the future. In her book "Beyond Wins: Eastern Mindset for Success in Daily Business Negotiations, "Mala Subramaniam,  illustrates the best techniques for handling negotiations with a clear and open mind.

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Analysis and key concepts


To be successful in the business world, everyone needs to know how to negotiate and above all, they should learn not to feel guilty about doing it: not only do the rules of business facilitate it, but they require it


Winning the battle does not mean winning the war: completing a project at all costs does not make a person successful, and puts long-term success at risk


The client-consultant relationship: a two-way exchange in which every request requires an effort on both parts


The art of negotiation is like a tailored suit, which is made as a result of clear explanation and careful listening: both parties need to get the measure of each other, and they must be attentive to cultural differences


Negotiating means communicating effectively until a common solution is reached: the only way to achieve optimum results


Before opening a negotiation, you must be clear about what your intentions are, any doubts on this issue can turn into cracks in the relationship


During a negotiation, use clear language and be prepared




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Many useful tips to:

  • Build strong business relationships.
  • Learn the techniques to find shared solutions.
  • Find out how to inspire trust in your listeners.

Mala Subramaniam is a coach and speaker who sees the convergence of Eastern and Western philosophies as a means to making the most of every negotiation. She has spent over twenty years in the world of marketing and business strategy, working with giants such as IBM, GE Healthcare and Dun & Bradstreet. Her speeches have been broadcast by Lincoln Financial, The Hartford, Comcast, and other major media channels, achieving great success in both the United States and India.

Publishing house:

Lioncrest Publishing





