Black Indians

William Loren Katz

Black Indians



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Black Indians, by William Loren Katz, takes a close look at certain important chapters of America’s history. Black Indians, a population that arose from the alliance between Native Americans and African former slaves, has been erased from the white population’s standardised interpretation of history. The author gives a voice to a legitimate part of America’s historical legacy, to people and events which have otherwise been consistently forgotten and overlooked.

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Analysis and key concepts


Black Indians, who are people with both African and Native American ancestry, played an important role in the history of the United States of America


The numerous African slaves brought to the New World by Europeans joined forces with the local American Indian populations


The African slaves and Native Americans shared many cultural traits, and to a certain extent, shared the same enemy: the Europeans


The coexistence between Black former slaves and the Indigenous Seminole tribe was an example of a strong and successful collaboration against the English


The main Indigenous tribes, with the exception of the Seminoles, also adopted slavery, albeit in different ways from the Europeans


The white population in the United States felt threatened by the Indigenous communities and the many Black former slaves living within them


Despite the immeasurable difficulties, the African-Americans and Native Americans have recently united once more to fight against discrimination




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover little-known facts about American history.
  • Gain more inclusive and in-depth knowledge about slavery in North America.
  • Discover the history of American people who have both African and Native American heritage.

William Loren Katz, who passed away in 2019, was an American writer and historian. He was born in 1927 in Brooklyn, New York, and attended the culturally avant-garde and progressive Elizabeth Irving High School in Greenwich Village. As an adult, and after witnessing several episodes of racial discrimination, he began to write about segregation and slavery. He wrote around 200 publications, including 40 books, on the history of African Americans and Native Americans, and his work contributed to new revelations surrounding American history.

Publishing house:

Atheneum Books for Young Readers





