Brain-body Parenting

Mona Delahooke

Mona Delahooke

Brain-body Parenting



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Being a parent is undeniably one of the most challenging jobs of all. Unfortunately the vast majority of parenting guide books refer to a single type of child that doesn't actually exist. Each and every single human being has their own individual reactions to the world because they experience it in their own unique way. Brain-Body Parenting: How to Stop Managing Behavior and Start Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids empowers parents with tools to help their children develop self-regulation skills while also encouraging parental self-care, which is crucial for parents to have the capacity to provide the essential “co-regulation” children need. When parents shift from trying to secure compliance to supporting connection and balance in the body and mind, they unlock a deeper understanding of their child, encouraging calmer behaviour, more harmonious family dynamics, and increased resilience.

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Analysis and key concepts


Common sense parenting guides don’t take into account the most important factor: tantrums are not intentional and cannot be handled with negotiation and reasoning. They are expressions of the emotions that children don’t know how to manage


Behaviours are nothing more than the body’s reaction to the emotions and our ability to process them correctly grows and changes with time


The mind-body connection, our nervous system, is made up of a “neural platform”, an apparatus that influences all human behaviour, including that of little ones


Body budgeting is a continuous balancing of our energy and resources to help us feel safe


The challenge zone is where growth happens, it’s where our children learn new things and reach their full potential with the proper level of support


Neuroception: a human innate process for detecting threats, a hidden sense we all use to keep us alive


To keep us safe, our body responds to micro-experiences, second by second, via three pathways within the two branches of the autonomous nervous system: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand and learn to manage the triggers for tantrums and irrational behaviour.
  • Explore the mind-body relationship from a scientific perspective.
  • Learn to listen to and understand children’s emotional needs.

Mona Delahooke is a best-selling author and child psychologist who aims to reduce suffering and increase resilience for children and families. Her paradigm shifting model, based on neuroscience, offers a new way of understanding the emotional and behavioural challenges of children. Delahooke has written several best-selling books, and runs an online community and blog designed to help parents and childcare workers experience what she calls "connected relationships."

Publishing house:

Harper Wave





