
Mark Harper

Mark Harper




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Chill: The Cold Water Swim Cure is the perfect read for anyone who has heard about the benefits of cold water swimming and wants to find out what the fuss is all about. Anaesthetist and author Dr Mark Harper starts by telling us about his own experience with cold water swimming both from a mental physiological perspective, and goes on to outline some potential medical uses, either as a prevention or cure. He also conducted several years of field research, from which he identified a series of effective benefits for the organism, all-the-while acknowledging that scientific knowledge on the subject is still in its infancy. The book provides a complete overview of cold water swimming for anyone who is considering dipping their toes.

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Analysis and key concepts


So what exactly is this new trend known as cold water swimming? Dr. Mark Harper explains the science behind it


Dr Mark Harper’s research opened many doors for the surgical and mental health applications of cold water swimming


Swimming in cold water creates an overwhelming reaction in the body and mind as a result of its intrinsic properties


Exercising in nature or with friends benefits the body in several different ways


Never underestimate the risks of hypothermia when plunging into cold water


Studies carried out by Dr Mark Harper are clear: cold water swimming can help beat depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and other minor ailments


A few things to bear in mind before jumping into cold water. Some tips from the author based on his personal experience




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Many useful tips to:

  • Teach nature lovers more about the benefits of the great outdoors
  • Learn some helpful habits to help combat depression, anxiety and chronic pain.
  • Find out about the scientific evidence of the health benefits associated with cold water swimming.
  • Look into the latest trend that has taken the health and wellness industry by storm.

Dr. Mark Harper, MD, PhD, is a consultant anaesthetist at Sussex University Hospital in the UK and Kristiansand Hospital in Norway. He is a leading expert in the prevention of hypothermia in surgical patients and the therapeutic uses of cold-water adaptation and open-water swimming. He founded the non-profit Chill UK, is director of the community Mental Health Swims, and has appeared on the BBC program “The Doctor Who Gave Up Drugs”.

Publishing house:

Chronicle Prism





