Con la forza del respiro

Umberto Pelizzari

Umberto Pelizzari

Con la forza del respiro



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If anyone knows the life lessons we can learn from freediving it is world champion Umberto Pelizzari. For him, every dive provided a new opportunity to look inside and rediscover that primitive connection that human beings have always had with the water. Spending so much time underwater taught him that the only way to overcome your limits is to really know yourself. In his book With the power of the breath: From the magic of freediving to the challenges of life itself, Umberto Pelizzari talks about his life as a freediver, when he discovered this introspective sport, and how this discipline became a way of life for him. He also shares some secrets on how to develop a winner's mindset to help us overcome challenges both in and out of the water.

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Analysis and key concepts


Umberto Pelizzari: one of the most successful freedivers of all time


Success depends on raw talent, the strength of a person’s willpower, and just a touch of luck


Training to break a record is no easy task: it requires a particular mindset


Humans have a built in need to go beyond their limits


In freediving, as well as in life, you need to become familiar with your breath


Freediving is like a breath of fresh air


The human attraction to freediving is linked to our evolution, and our ancestral relationship with water


Freediving is a way of life




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Many useful tips to:

  •      Learn about the exciting adventures of Italian freediver Umberto Pelizzari.
  •     Find out the various ways in which we can overcome our limits.
  •     Understand how a positive mindset works, and how to apply it to any area of your life.

Umberto Pelizzari is an Italian freediver and is widely considered as being one of the best of all time. Of his era, he is the sole person to have established world records in all the existing freediving categories of that era: he set the world record in the Constant Weight at 65 metres, then in the Variable Weight discipline at 95 metres, and then pushed himself to 118 metres to reach a new world record in the No Limits discipline. He retired in 2001, with 11 years of competitive freediving under his belt, and went on to form the freediving training school, Apnea Academy. Pelizzari has also presented various television programs on freediving, and he co-authored the Manual of Freediving with his former trainer Stefano Tovaglieri.

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