Connecting the Dots

John Chambers

Connecting the Dots



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We are on the verge of an unprecedented revolution. The Internet, new technologies and the world of startups will revolutionize the global market in ways we have never seen before. In a couple of years we will have half a billion connected devices: telephones, computers, cars and refrigerators. Many new jobs will be created and many will disappear.
Connecting the Dots will show us the importance of being flexible, quick and, most of all, how to connect all the dots in order to understand the big picture and predict what the situation will be like in three, five or ten years. The only way to keep afloat is to accept it, analyze what is happening around us and try to change before the market changes, leaving us behind.

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Analysis and key concepts


What the future holds for us and how to get ready


What is the right mindset for successful leadership?


The guide to being a successful company


The strategic importance of connecting with customers


The startup world: advantages and opportunities




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the school of thought of the man who led one of the most important companies of the world for over twenty years
  • Learn the secrets that enabled the company to overcome its most difficult times.
  • Get ready for the big technological revolution that is about to arrive and not get left behind.

John Chambers was the CEO of Cisco, one of the biggest tech companies, between 1995 and 2015. He managed the company during twenty years of technological, economic and social transitions. Chambers is considered to be both one of the best and the worst leaders of the world. Currently, as CEO of JC2Ventures, he is investing in a new generation of companies and CEOs, sharing his experience to train the future leaders.

Publishing house:

Harper Collins





