
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi




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Creativity provides a riveting look into the workings of the creative process. With his thorough analysis on how and why we become creative, author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi aims to help people set their true potential free. By learning to nurture and stimulate our individual creativity, we can learn to live a more dynamic and exciting life, regardless of whether or not we are successful. The author helps us understand how creativity works, with observations on how culture evolves through the impact of a person’s new idea on what the author calls certain fields, or domains. We learn that it is important to cultivate creativity, to help lay the foundations for a better life.

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Analysis and key concepts


Creativity must be understood as a process, and is not the same as the ability to come up with original ideas


Creativity comes from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: domain, field, and person


The seed of creativity lies within each of us, and we should learn to nurture it


Practical tips to introduce new and effective habits that can stimulate creativity


We must learn to control our emotions from a young age to allow them to become part of our personality




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the various meanings of the term creativity.
  • Examine the concept of creativity from several different points of view.
  • Find out how to stimulate your own creativity to add more dynamism to your life.

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1934) is a professor of management at the Drucker School of Management at Claremont Graduate University, and manages their Centre of Research on Quality of Life. Born in Fiume, Croatia, he immigrated to America when he was 22 and he studied psychology at the University of Chicago where, upon graduating, he began to teach and later, became the president of their Psychology Department. He has been studying Flow for over 35 years and Martin Seligman, ex-president of the American Psychological Association, called him the greatest researcher of positive psychology in the world. Csikszentmihalyi also wrote Beyond Boredom and Anxiety, The Evolving Self, and Creativity.

Publishing house:

Harper Perennial





