Daring Greatly

Brené Brown

Daring Greatly



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Daring Greatly is a book that undoes all our preconceived notions about vulnerability, offering us practical strategies to use as an antidote to the feeling of shame, that poisonous sensation that eats away at us, preventing us from expressing our true potential and from living a truly authentic life. In fact, Brené Brown has dedicated her entire career to studying feelings such as shame and vulnerability, and uses her research to help us understand where shame comes from, and how to recognise the most common defense mechanisms to avoid vulnerability. She also provides tips on how to embrace this feeling and use it not only to live with courage and authenticity, but also to make others aware of it in those various life contexts in which we spend most of our time, such as work, home and school, to ensure that shame is no longer exploited within these social dynamics. Daring greatly and owning our vulnerability enables us to enjoy authentic relationships, even to the point of creating the same positive changes in the lives of those around us.

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Analysis and key concepts


The biggest obstacle to you expressing your true potential


The culture of “not being good enough”


Vulnerability: what is it and why is it so important that we embrace it?


How to free ourselves from shame by developing resilience


Stop hiding your vulnerability by recognising a pattern of avoidance


Raising awareness in the world around us to improve the working environment


The importance of setting an example in your family about “being enough”




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand that vulnerability is not a weakness, but your source of courage.
  • Build resilience to shame by understanding it and learning to call it by its name.
  • Spread awareness about vulnerability at work, at school and at home, to combat shame and develop creativity, involvement and healthy relationships in these environments.

Brené Brown is a professor and researcher at the University of Houston who has devoted the last ten years of her career to the study of courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. She is also the author of five New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness and Dare to Lead. Her TED talk on the power of vulnerability went viral and became one of the most viewed video-talks in the world.

Publishing house:

Avery Pub Group





