Deep Medicine

Eric Topol

Deep Medicine



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Deep Medicine is an interesting historical and critical analysis of the ways in which approaches in medicine have changed with the development of new technology. On the one hand, progress made in the field of artificial intelligence has helped us to achieve unexpected results. On the other hand, our extreme trust in machines has led us to behave irresponsibly, evidence of which is particularly prominent in the medical field. Artificial intelligence can help us to read medical scans and shorten the amount of time required to reach a diagnosis, but medicine must always remain centred around the human connection, in the form of the doctor, who needs to remember the importance of their role moving forward, and strive to continually improve the skills required for human connection. If doctors were to start collaborating with technology, using it as a tool for technical support, it would allow them to concentrate more on the human perspective of practicing medicine. 

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Analysis and key concepts


The era of artificial intelligence represents a new industrial era


The use of artificial intelligence in the medical field can be of huge benefit


Artificial intelligence can be dangerous if humans don’t intervene


The most difficult challenge faced by doctors is making the right diagnosis


The doctor-patient relationship must be revisited if we want to avoid a dehumanised future




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Many useful tips to:

  • Reflect on the applications of artificial intelligence in the medical field.
  • Understand how advances in artificial intelligence can impact the way patients are treated.
  • Envisage a perfect doctor-patient relationship, a relationship based on listening and dialogue.

Eric Topol is an internationally renowned cardiologist. Vice President of Scripps Research, he firmly believes in the role of the doctor as a person who treats patients, capable of understanding, listening, and healing. Author of The Patient Will See You Now and The Creative Destruction of Medicine, he presents the argument in his latest book, Deep Medicine, that technology should be integrated into the doctor-patient relationship as a means by which to strengthen human connection and improve medical practice. 

Publishing house:

Basic Books





