Difficult Conversations

Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen

Difficult Conversations



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We find ourselves facing a potentially difficult conversation every time the issues at stake are particularly important to us, are about our feelings, make us vulnerable or threaten our identity. There is no easy way to deal with a difficult conversation, but learning to manage it can relieve anxiety and improve relationships. This book provides us with the tools to help us manage a difficult discussion, transforming a potential war of words into a constructive conversation.

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Analysis and key concepts


There is no easy way to face a difficult conversation


The three inner conversations: facts, feelings and identity


To have a learning conversation, explore both sides of the story, recognise the contribution that both parties make, create space for feelings and consider the complexity of identity


Bringing up a conversation is not always the right choice: think carefully about your intention and decide whether or not to go for it


There is one story that helps everyone get along: start by telling the third story


Become an authentic listener: ask questions, sum up what the other person has said and acknowledge their feelings


In a conversation aimed at learning, the knots often untangle themselves; if they don’t, try a solution based on the “mutual care” principal




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Many useful tips to:

  • Deal with problems instead of ignoring them.
  • Manage arguments with less worry and stress.
  • Improve relationships both at home and at work.

Douglas Stone is a lecturer at Harvard Law School, from which he himself graduated. He was associate director of the Harvard Negotiation Project and worked with companies and political leaders around the world. He is co-founder of the Triad Consulting Group.

Bruce Patton is co-founder of the Harvard Negotiation Project and one of the pioneers of teaching negotiation at Harvard Law School, from which he graduated and where he has taught since 1981. He is the founder of Vantage Partners LLC. And co-author of the bestseller “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In”. He was also involved in conflict management in the Middle East.

Sheila Heen is a law professor at Harvard Law School and co-founder of Triad Consulting Group. She works in conflict management around the world. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she is also the mother of three children.

Publishing house:

Penguin Books





