Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management

Mark Forster

Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management



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Managing the things we have to do without sacrificing our private life and personal interests is possible: the solution is to better organise the way we think. Do It Tomorrow and Other Secrets of Time Management teaches us that we have to help our rational brain to exercise constant control over its "opponent", the primitive brain. The strategies to transform our mind into a powerful and focused tool are simple to learn and to apply in our daily life, all you need is a little practice.

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Analysis and key concepts


Successfully completing a project is rarely a matter of willpower: very often, it all depends on your ability to plan and organise


Every project requires the mental and physical equivalents of the control structures of a state: without them, the reactive brain does not pay attention to the rational brain’s plans


Limits can be powerful allies: contrary to popular belief, they do not quash creativity - they help you focus and, therefore, come up with new ideas


A closed list is a list that has a line drawn at the end, so that nothing else can be added to it


In order to answer the question: "Did you do everything you had to do today?", you first need to know what needed to be done, and determine whether the amount of work you take on is actually feasible




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Many useful tips to:

  • Get the most out of your creativity thanks to the ability to give yourself structure.
  • Learn to organise your time according to your real needs.
  • Stop being busy, and become effective and productive.

Mark Forster is a British author, known for his three books devoted to time management techniques and productivity. As well as working as a successful business coach until 2008, he has also worked for the British Army, the Ministry of Defence, and the Church of England.

Publishing house:

Hodder & Stoughton





