Eat a Peach

David Chang, Gabe Ulla

Eat a Peach



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David Chang’s road to success has been long and winding, full of pot-holes, and a journey during which, at times, he felt completely lost. That's why his story, told in Eat a Peach: A Memoir, is a story really worth reading, as it teaches you how to make your work an opportunity for growth and a source of joy, rather than the cause of stress and dissatisfaction.

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Analysis and key concepts


David Chang comes from a traditional Asian family, and everything that comes with it


Family ties led to his connection with cooking: a common occurrence, whereby parental relationships and dynamics spark personal passions


Theology, philosophy, even a dabble in the world of finance. Then, finally, the discovery of the world of catering


The first time in the kitchen teaches David that he still has a long road ahead of him before becoming a chef, but the real lesson is: do not give up


David's first depressive breakdown brutally devastates him. Unable to see any other way out, he embarks on a flight to Japan


Coming face to face with his desire to die, David manages to take the right step: seek the help of a specialist


David begins to savour success and discovers that his weakness can be transformed into a strength which he can also pass on to others


Success has many side effects, most notably it awakens the fear of falling short. Paranoia makes a comeback as an enemy that must be defeated




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn the story behind a very successful public figure.
  • Learn how to find the motivation and strength to change your present by drawing on your past.
  • Find out what NOT to do when setting up a business.

Born in 1977, David Chang is an American entrepreneur and public figure of Korean origin, founder of the Momofuku group, which has stores in New York, Sydney, Toronto, and Washington. In 2018, Chang created, produced, and starred in the Netflix television series Ugly Delicious. In 2011, he published the first issue of his food magazine Lucky Peach, a quarterly publication whose second issue entered the NY Times bestseller list. Chang also has his own podcast, "The David Chang Show," and is the author of two New York Times bestsellers.

A graduate of NY University, with a masters from Columbia, Gabe Ulla is a freelance writer in the areas of music, travel, and food. His articles are published by WSJ magazine, T, Lucky Peach, Bon Appétit, Saveur, Town and Country, Eater National, and The New Yorker.

Publishing house:

Clarkson Potter





