Ego is the Enemy

Ryan Holiday

Ego is the Enemy



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There is an invisible enemy within each one of us, which throughout our whole life, poses a threat to our success. That enemy is the ego, that voice in our head that tells us we are more important, special and unique than we really are. In his book Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday provides anecdotes from the lives of various people throughout history, and offers advice on how to keep the ego at bay to live a happy life.

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Analysis and key concepts


In life, we come across three states: ambition, success, and failure, and in each of them we need to be on the lookout for our ego


When you are driven by ambition, the ego can undermine your plans by making you believe that you have already achieved your goal


A lesson from Howard Hughes: allowing your ego to take the wheel is a fast track to disaster


To achieve and maintain success, ignore the ego, and stay humble


To avoid making things worse, learn to accept failure as a part of life


Letting go of your ego will help you learn from your mistakes


Unconditional love is the secret to a successful life and keeping the ego at bay




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn to recognise the dangers of losing control of our ego.
  • Discover the risks of egoic thinking in the three key aspects of our lives: ambition, success and failure.
  • Learn to exercise self-control and humility in every situation, whether we are experiencing success or failure.
  • Take inspiration from some anecdotes about the key role the ego has played in the success and failure of various leaders throughout history.

Ryan Holiday is a highly sought-after speaker and strategist and, author of bestsellers such as The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, Conspiracy, Trust me, I am Lying and other books about marketing, culture and the human condition. His works have been translated into more than thirty languages and have appeared all over, from the New York Times to Fast Company. Holiday is one of the main thinkers and writers of ancient philosophy and how to apply it in everyday life. He lives in Austin, Texas with his family.

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