Enough is Enough

Rob Dietz , Dan O'Neill

Enough is Enough



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“Enough” means “a sufficient amount for a dignified lifestyle”, but how do we actually define this way of life? One thing is for certain, leading a dignified life does not mean always getting more, especially when the consumer race also involves the consumption of the limited and precious resources that Planet Earth has made available to humankind. In  "Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources”, Rob Dietz and Dan O'Neill present an alternative economic model, to which we are all invited to aspire - as well as proposing  ways to achieve it - to finally be truly satisfied with our lives on this, our very precious planet. 

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Analysis and key concepts


The economic strategy used until now no longer works for a planet that is running low on resources


Understanding what we are doing wrong can help us correct our behaviour


The solution offered by a new generation of economists is the stationary economy, providing for the protection and equal distribution of resources.


The world population is growing exponentially and is out of control: the biggest risk to the planet is posed by humans, and to save it, we must take the situation in hand


Inequality is one of the deepest wounds of human society, ending it would mean reducing violence, drug addiction and increasing life expectancy


Having sky high public debt indicates an unbridled rush to make profit which does not take into account the costs absorbed by an entire society, while the employment system continues to leave too many people out of work


Money almost never buys happiness, and it certainly doesn’t when it is used to buy ‘stuff’




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Many useful tips to:

  • Analyse and understand the flaws in modern economics.
  • Identify the methods and initiatives that can help us save the planet.
  • Discover why we cannot guarantee our wellbeing with profit and consumption.

Rob Dietz is editor for the “Daly News” and was executive director of CASSE, the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy. Its focus is directed on the issues of environmental protection. 

Dan O’Neill is an ecological economics lecturer at the University of Leeds, chief economist at CASSE and head of the Economics and Policy for Sustainability research group, which focuses on the relationships between the use of resources and human well-being. 

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