Facci caso

Gennaro Romagnoli

Facci caso



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How much attention do we really pay to important things? This problem affects us all, and we usually attribute it to a lifestyle that keeps us on our toes, where we are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli. “Pay Attention. How not to get distracted by nonsense and pay attention to what really matters in life” does not only provide us with rules to follow in order to improve our level of attention, but it also explains how and why our brain reacts to our external environment, and how this affects the world itself.

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Analysis and key concepts


The evolution of attention: maintaining awareness in the era of distraction has become necessary in a world vastly different from prehistoric times, when being distracted was necessary for survival


Attention processes to navigate this world are not passive, information selection is a complex procedure, which enables us not to look at the world as pure data


The usefulness of automatisms is undeniable, because they allow us to save energy, but applying them means relinquishing part of the world around us


The organ of control: how to take the reins from automatisms and direct our attention to what we choose to focus on


Our attention resides in the brain and therefore in our body: it feels everything that happens to it, and tiredness, emotions and a vast array of options, are obstacles that need to be bypassed to make it work better


Anders Ericsson and the deliberate practice of awareness: it is possible to develop “superpowers” using tricks like “the tomato technique”


INW: Intention, Now, Without Judgement: the acronym for exercising mindfulness and being aware of every gesture


With a light heart: freeing your mind by journaling is an activity that allows you to empty your brain of unnecessary data


Is it possible to escape from difficult situations? The outcome of a relationship mainly depends on your approach to other people




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Many useful tips to:

  • Train your attention, because your quality of life depends on it.
  • Take responsibility for yourself.
  • Recognise the vastness of your inner world, to regain confidence in your abilities.

Gennaro Romagnoli graduated in Psychology at the University of Padua in 2004 with first class honours. He then qualified as a psychotherapist at the AMISI European School of Hypnotic Psychotherapy, and has been teaching at the ICNOS School of Brief Systemic-Strategic Psychotherapy in Rome since 2009. Well-known for his book “PsiNel”, he also has one of the most listened to personal growth and psychology podcasts in Italy, and in 2019, he started another podcast on the subject entitled “Meditate today”.

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