Folks, This Ain’t Normal

Joel Salatin

Folks, This Ain’t Normal



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Our well-being begins with what we eat: the foods we consume have a huge influence on our overall health, as well as on our lifestyle, and on the whole society in which we live. That is why the US government's clear preference for industrial food production systems over traditional farms is having a disastrous impact on people, who are losing both their culture and health in one fell swoop. To reverse this trend, we need to learn about the problem, and Joel Salatin helps us do this in his book Folks, This Ain't Normal: A Farmer's Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World.

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Analysis and key concepts


The relationship between farms and their surrounding communities is broken


The trouble started when kids stopped chopping the wood


The problem at the heart of the waste we produce nowadays lies in the loss of our traditional cooking culture


The food we are used to is very polluting and industrial


Fast foods are destroying the market for local produce


Intensive farming and genetic modification are the evils of our time




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the dynamics that have caused production to move away from local communities. 
  • Study the relationship between food culture and social development.
  • Understand the role that fast food and people’s eating habits play in food production. 

Born in 1957, Joel Salatin is an American author, speaker and farmer who owns the Polyface farm in Virginia, which has been in his family for two generations. After studying English at Bob Jones University and pursuing a career in journalism, Salatin decided to return to life in the fields by taking over the family farmstead. Here, he began experimenting with organic crops, basing his work on the quality of the pastures and the welfare of livestock. Today he divides his time between farm work, family, and conferences around the world. He is the author of several books, including Folks, This Ain't Normal: A Farmer's Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World.

Publishing house:

Center Street





