Free to Choose

Milton Friedman , Rose Friedman

Free to Choose



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Free to Choose aims to show that the free market is the only possible way for society to evolve and become wealthy. Government intervention in the economy stifles any attempt at initiative, and leads to a centralisation of power that seems almost dangerous in a system that calls itself democratic. People, on the other hand, must be free to consume and do business, without being obstructed by public authority.

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Analysis and key concepts


The economic system of a country should be based on cooperation through voluntary exchange


Heavy government intervention in economic activity leads to poverty and underdevelopment


The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was not caused by private enterprise, but by a government that was unable to take effective measures to protect its citizens


Welfare programmes, even with the best intentions, inhibit initiative and fail to truly benefit the community


The concept of “equality of outcome” has recently emerged in the United States and other countries, but although it is based on equality, it has proven unrealistic and counterproductive


A centralised school system penalises people who live in less affluent areas and who have limited economic means


The strong desire to protect consumers by creating specialised institutions has ended up damaging the entire community and impeding economic growth


The idea of personal and economic freedom is a pillar of American culture, and must be the foundation of any strategy to revive the country




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Many useful tips to:

  • Explore the advantages of a market economy unobstructed by public power. 
  • Understand the value of individual freedom in a system based on private enterprise.
  • Reflect on the consequences of government intervention on citizens’ lives.

Milton Friedman is best known for his work on liberal economic principles, which won him the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976. An advocate of the free market and a strong believer in the importance of private enterprise in society, he published numerous books and created economic policies endorsed by important heads of state. He also founded the monetarism theory, which focuses on the connection between monetary policies and national income.

Originally from Ukraine, Rose Friedman went on to study in England and then in the United States, where she graduated in Philosophy and Economics from the University of Chicago. She wrote numerous articles on economics, both individually as well as in collaboration with her husband, Milton Friedman. Together, they also wrote two essays, produced a television series, and set up an educational foundation.

Publishing house:

Mariner Books





