Getting to Yes with Yourself

William Ury

Getting to Yes with Yourself



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The main obstacle to a good negotiation and fulfilling relationships very rarely has anything to do with the ‘other person’. We are in fact the main obstacle, with our tendency to react in ways that do not align with our true interests. This obstacle can, however, become an opportunity: if we get to know ourselves better, to really understand what influences our behaviour, we can also understand other people better and have more of an influence on them. In his book, William Ury, a world renowned expert mediator in business, politics and international relations, proposes a six-step conflict management program to help us manage the conflict we have with ourselves, which will increase our ability to negotiate with others. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Learning to say yes to yourself and leave behind the logic of scarcity: how to change your point of view to resolve conflict


From judgement to understanding of ourselves: observing oneself “from the balcony” is the first step towards the perfect negotiation


From blame to taking responsibility: developing your own BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement)


Rethink how we view negotiation from hostile to friendly, from competitive challenge to cooperative exchange


From resistance to acceptance: being in the present moment to welcome every opportunity to say yes to others


From exclusion to inclusion: the importance of respecting others “even if”


From the win-lose approach to win-win: why we should give before we take




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Many useful tips to:

  • Manage our own inner conflict and increase our ability to negotiate effectively with others.
  • We get what we want while also considering the needs of the other people in our lives.
  • Make our relationships healthier, our work more productive, and spread some calm around  the world.

William Ury (1953) is an American writer and academic. Co-founder of Harvard Program on Negotiation, he also helped found the International Negotiation Network with former president Jimmy Carter. Ury has a degree from both Yale and Harvard and has assisted in a number of complex negotiations around the world as a mediator and advisor. He also wrote the best-selling book Getting Past No: Negotiating with Difficult People.

Publishing house:

Harper Collins UK





