Good Luck

Alex Rovira , Fernando Trias de Bes

Good Luck



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In Good Luck: Creating the Conditions for Success in Life & Business, Alex Rovira and Fernando Trías de Bes tell a story that, at first glance, might just seem like a lovely fairy tale to tell your children. In reality, it is a wonderful metaphor for how Good Luck works in people's lives. Whether it's a knight in Merlin's kingdom, or a sixty-year-old man with a troubled past who meets an old childhood friend in the park, the attitude we must adopt in life to be able to reach our goals remains the same. Luck favours not only the bold, but, even more so, anyone who works to create the right conditions to build their own good fortune.

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Analysis and key concepts


Luck exists, but it doesn't last: Good Luck depends on attitude


People create their own Good Luck: this is why it lasts forever, unlike random luck


To create Good Luck, you need to create new conditions from which it can spring


It’s not easy to create new conditions to allow Good Luck in, but you have to start working on it as soon as possible


The idea of creating the right conditions makes no sense to those who believe in fate; those who create the right conditions to draw in Good Luck have no need to fear fate


After having created the right conditions, we must be patient: Good Luck comes to those who have faith that it will arrive




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand how to create your own Good Luck, thanks to this enjoyable tale.
  • Reflect on the importance of work and commitment in daily life to get what you want.
  • Understand how counterproductive it is to behave and think in a negative way when, with the right attitude, you can truly change your destiny.

Álex Rovira heads the qualitative division of the consultancy and marketing firm, Salvetti & Llombart. He is an esteemed and widely recognised speaker in the field of psychology, and is the author of The Inner Compass and co-author of the Spanish edition of Understanding the Consumer. He is a professor of marketing at the ESADE Business School in Barcelona, and teaches specialist courses in the field of human resources.

Fernando Trías de Bes is one of the co-founders of the consulting and marketing company Salvetti & Llombart, through which he has collaborated with Bayer, Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft, Nestlé, and many other multinational clients of the company. He is co-author of Lateral Marketing, together with Philip Kotler. He is a professor of marketing at the ESADE Business School in Barcelona.

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