High Growth Handbook

Elad Gil

Elad Gil

High Growth Handbook



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Thousands of startups are founded each year; most of them end up closing or being bought before they reach the phase of hyper-growth, which is the phase when the company begins to scale. Information and advice on how to manage this stage is not so readily available, and this is where the High Growth Handbook comes in, a manual which guides us through the key factors to develop when our startup begins to scale. Elad Gil explains the role of CEO and how to manage a team of managers; he provides tips on how to deal with accounting and finance, marketing and PR, and hiring new personnel, all while the company is evolving and changing, right before our eyes.

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Analysis and key concepts


We’ve created a new product and customers are buying it: this is where the real challenge begins


In the growth phase of a startup the CEO has many tasks to deal with; the most important of those is learning to say no.


A CEO never stops (even when he is successful) and he teaches his co-workers to do the same


Board members must share and support the corporate mission


We need to hire new talent and organise a system that facilitates the selection of effective personnel


Hiring skilled and experienced executives can bring great benefits


When we consider our organisational structure, we must keep in mind that in 6-12 months our company will be completely different


Organising the marketing and PR to help build our image, to communicate it to the world and to bring in more customers


Once we have created a great product, two very important resources are our users and our distribution channels


Consider the various financing options and any opportunities to buy other companies




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Many useful tips to:

  • To help CEOs and employees who have to deal with the hyper-growth phase of a startup for the first time.
  • To learn to appreciate continuous change in a company, recognising it as a sign of success and vitality.
  • To help understand the importance of regular re-shuffles within a startup, accepting internal chaos as its modus vivendi.

Elad Gil is an entrepreneur, manager and an investor for many private companies (including Airbnb, Coinbase, Pinterest and Stripe). He was co-founder and CEO of Color Genomics and also worked for Google for many years. He has held various roles for Twitter, which he joined when his startup, Mixer Labs, was acquired by the social network. Elad Gil has a BA in Mathematics and Biology from the University of California, San Diego, and a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Publishing house:

Stripe Press





