History of Western Philosophy

Bertrand Russell

History of Western Philosophy



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Where did Western philosophical thought come from? How have political, social, and religious developments in Europe over the centuries influenced the creation of philosophical movements? In his renowned book, The History of Western Philosophy, philosopher, activist, and author Bertrand Russell analyses the history of thought, and of political and social change in Europe.

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Analysis and key concepts


In order to understand eras and nations, we simply cannot ignore their philosophy


Philosophy and science originated in Greece in the 6th century BC with the Pre-Socratics


Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle developed philosophy to such an extent that it went on to influence the Western world for centuries


The Stoics bridged the gap between the complex Hellenistic era and the Catholic Middle Ages


Two philosophical eras defined the Middle Ages, Patristic and Scholastic, with the chaos of the Dark Ages in between


Modern philosophy began during the Renaissance, thanks largely to the Reformation and Counter-Reformation


The Enlightenment and the 20th century led to Romanticism and doctrines linked to capitalism




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the close connection between the development of philosophical thought and political, religious, and scientific events in the Western world.
  • Learn more about the main philosophical movements, from ancient times to the 20th century.
  • Understand the influence of philosophy on politics and religion, and vice versa.

Bertrand Russell was an English philosopher, mathematician, activist, and author. Russell was born in 1872 into one of England’s most prestigious aristocratic families, and was raised in a strictly Puritan household. During his adolescence, his only source of happiness was studying mathematics and philosophy. After studying philosophy and logic at Cambridge University, he became an assistant at Trinity College, but lost his job when he was arrested for his pacifist views at the outbreak of the First World War. Meanwhile, by the end of the Second World War, Russell’s ideas had earned him a prominent place in Western philosophy, and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950. He is the author of several philosophical essays, including History of Western Philosophy.

Publishing house:

Unwin Paperbacks





