How to Be an Antiracist

Ibram Xolani Kendi

How to Be an Antiracist



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History teaches us that racism is rooted in the creation of racist power: a potent producer of ideas, actions and policies aimed at enforcing the injustice and discrimination suffered by some people over others, for the benefit of the minority. Fortunately, fighting racism and becoming an antiracist is possible. Ibram Xolani Kendi explains in his book How to be an antiracist that, to do so, in the hope of being able to enjoy a society that is just and fair for all, we need to renounce positions of neutrality, and truly understand racist terminology and dynamics, as it is only when we recognise this racist phenomenon and all of its nuances, that we will finally be able to vanquish it.

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Analysis and key concepts


Antiracism begins with being familiar with, and understanding, racist terminology


Racism manifests in different forms, including segregation and assimilation


Racism springs from racial hierarchies, based on biology, ethnicity, and skin colour


It is racist to hold entire racial groups responsible for the actions of a few


Cultural racism is favouring one, specific culture


Racism can be anti-white, or hide behind the excuse of powerlessness


An antiracist approach also needs to be applied to spaces and social classes


Antiracism is also feminist and pro-queer


Racism can be changed




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Many useful tips to:

  • Acquire a greater awareness of racist and antiracist terminology.
  • Understand the origins of supremacist ideology.
  • Discern hidden racist thinking and behaviours.

Ibram Xolani Kendi is an American antiracist activist, professor, and author. Following his studies at Temple University in Philadelphia, which were focused on African American Studies, he began a career as a teaching assistant at the State University of New York in Oneonta and Albany, before moving to the University of Florida. In 2017, he became an Associate Professor at the American University of Washington, founding the Antiracist Research and Policy Center in the same year. He has been teaching at the University of Boston since 2020, where he is now the director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. He has published various books, including Stamped from the beginning: the definitive history of racism ideas in America, and How to be an antiracist.

Publishing house:

Bodley Head





