I 7 passi del perdono

Daniel Lumera

I 7 passi del perdono



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Forgiveness is a process we instinctively tend to avoid, often tying it to the idea of guilt, condemnation, and wrongdoing. In reality, forgiveness is so much more than that. First and foremost, it is an extraordinary instrument which enables us to free ourselves from suffering and take full responsibility for our lives. The book I 7 passi del perdono (The Seven Steps of Forgiveness) explains the importance of forgiveness as a means to better understand ourselves and the world around us, to raise our level of consciousness, and to understand that we are all part of the Whole, so that we can let go of the idea of separation, which is a constant source of conflict in our lives. Daniel Lumera teaches us seven techniques to help us become masters of our own destiny, and take back the power that is hidden deep within us all. 

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Analysis and key concepts


Forgiveness is a place within us where pain can be turned into a “gift”


Understanding the four phases of forgiveness: accusation, responsibility, gratitude, and love


Turning problems into resources, struggles into opportunities for growth, forgiving seventy times in seven days


Forgiving via the body to release blocked energy


Implementing forgiveness through gratitude for life


Turning suffering into love, letting go of heavy vibrations


Integrating opposites with the mirror technique: putting ourselves in the other person’s position and forgiving them from that level of understanding


Forgiving with the Sun, being inspired by the way it gives without asking for anything in return




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Many useful tips to:

  • Free yourself from suffering, hate, anger, pain and from all the burdens that prevent your natural happiness from shining through.
  • Understanding that forgiveness is an act of giving without expecting anything in return.
  • Think about the fact that forgiveness improves society, especially when educators and people in power understand the dynamics of forgiveness.

Daniel Lumera is an Italian writer and lecturer. He is considered an international expert in the field of well-being and meditation, and has studied with (the late) Father Anthony Elenjimittam, disciple to Mahatma Gandhi. He works with universities and research institutions, spreading the message of education based on awareness and interculturality, cooperation and peace. He is the creator of the My Life Design method, which helps to create a conscious design of one’s professional, social, and personal life. He is the founder of the International School of Forgiveness.

Publishing house:

‎Macro Edizioni





