I Don't Agree

Michael Brown

I Don't Agree



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How many times have we argued with someone or even disagreed with an opinion we hear because it is different from our own? Many of us are good at arguing, yet we are not quite as talented at managing conflict. In his book I don’t agree, Michael Brown sheds some light on the many hidden reasons why conflicts arise, which are all related, to a greater or lesser extent, to the culture and environment we grow up in. Using examples and anecdotes, he also offers advice, tips and tactics to help ease the tension during our arguments: we must learn to recognise our differences, to open our minds, not to fear compromise, and to allow our ideas to be questioned.

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Analysis and key concepts


Prejudice, lack of tolerance, mistrust in compromise: something must give


Advice for parents: help your children manage conflict by setting a good example


Learning from Darwin we can build a diverse and cooperative company culture


To learn to become more cooperative, we must get to know ourselves better


Pride is a double edged sword: only a true leader is able to feel genuine pride


Achieving gender equality would also help improve company results in general


When we meet someone, we should remember that there are many ways to greet someone, and we all have different styles for doing so


For us individualistic Westerners, a bit of collectivism could help us build healthier relationships


The importance of breaking down prejudices against those who are different from us


Some simple steps to help negotiate successfully: active listening, countermeasures and a soft approach




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand how to manage a negotiation, a conflict, or a partnership despite any differences.
  • Become a better leader, able to listen to others and be more inclusive.
  • Make the most of cultural diversity for everyone’s benefit.

Michael Brown is an American business founder, a long-term managing director, part of the leadership of an organisation of over 4,000 people, and social enterprise pioneer – helping to create, launch and lead what is thought to be the world’s first mental health drop-in centre inside a soup kitchen. His interest in the psychology of conflict and compromise arose after falling out with his fellow shareholders in a business he led for a decade. The lessons he learned positively shaped the culture of his next venture, now an international marketing firm, and gave rise to his book entitled I Don’t Agree.

Publishing house:

Harriman House






‎ 978-0857197658