Ignore Everybody

Hugh MacLeod

Ignore Everybody



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Ignore Everybody is a short book full of tips on how to master the various aspects of creativity. It began with a successful blog, and invites people to listen to their own, unique creativity. MacLeod walks the reader through his career and creative process in 40 personal insights into the link between art and life. In his own, unique style, he explains the many obstacles that can stand in the way of creativity. Fear of judgement can, in fact, hold us back, and people’s innate tendency to criticise ideas can leave us feeling hurt. MacLeod’s 40 tips are an invitation to keep going, they encourage creatives to embrace their art in its entirety by accepting all its nuances. To win, you have to Ignore Everybody, and only listen to your own voice.

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Analysis and key concepts


Hugh MacLeod: when success comes along by chance


You must be ready to open the door to success when it comes knocking


People will get in the way of your success: learn to ignore them


The importance of spending time on your projects


Don’t wait for others to come to you. Remember: if you build it, they will come


Art has the power to transform work




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Many useful tips to:

  • Discover the interesting story of the creative Hugh MacLeod, whose success came to him almost by chance.
  • Learn to work in a creative environment by boosting the faith you have in your own creativity.
  • Find inspiration and learn a few practical tips on how to launch your career as a creative.

Hugh MacLeod is a cartoonist, famous for the sketches he draws on the back of business cards, which are little doodles that depict the way he sees the world. Through his sketches, he expresses ideas, cultures, and opinions simply and effectively. He founded the company Gapingvoid, which is an end-to-end culture design firm that specialises in building an ideal culture in all kinds of organisations. Among his most famous clients are Microsoft, Zappos, and MIT. His book Ignore Everybody, published for the first time in digital format on his blog, was downloaded 5 million times before going on to become an international bestseller.

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