Improve Your Virtual Meetings

John Arthur

Improve Your Virtual Meetings



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The way we work has drastically changed over the last few years, particularly in 2020, when working from home became part of the new normal, and face to face meetings became so very rare. Improve Your Virtual Meetings explains the importance of knowing how to master the art of remote communication and how we can perfect it. Video conferences no longer represent a mere add-on communication tool in the conference room, they have become essential resources for consultants, employees of multinationals, managers, digital nomads, teachers and professional speakers. John Arthur’s book reveals the secrets to effectively managing online meetings, which can help us to cultivate good working partnerships, and build solid, reliable relationships that will stand the test of time.

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Analysis and key concepts


The way we work has changed, internet is faster than ever, and the number of freelancers has skyrocketed: all this makes virtual interaction indispensable


Remote working offers many advantages, it enables us to save time and money and guarantees greater productivity


If a leader wants to make virtual communication work well, they need to build a company culture that supports and encourages it


Working from home can be more productive, as long as we respect certain rules


To manage a conference call professionally, we need a set space, a plan, common sense and a clear voice


Videoconferences require decent technology, good lighting and making sure you look the part


To improve our communication at a distance we need to practice, be prepared and train our voices


Conference calls are tiring, but there is a solution


Being well equipped is important to be professional and effective




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Many useful tips to:

  • Help managers, salespeople, digital nomads, freelancers, teachers and many other professionals interested in communicating more effectively at a distance.
  • Learn to integrate ‘virtual mode’ into your interactions for your work.
  • Learn to appreciate virtual meetings as an essential tool to collaborate and cultivate good working relationships.
  • Understand the importance of training your voice and being well equipped to help you get the most out of audio and video conferences.

John Arthur is a manager and a mentor, he works with startups, big companies and non-profit organisations, and he is the author of the book Manage Your New Career. He devotes much of his energy to charitable causes, with both local foundations and global organisations, and is a passionate runner, cyclist and likes to keep fit. He lives with his family in the Midwest.

Publishing house:

Independent Publishing





