In Tune with the Infinite

Ralph Waldo Trine

In Tune with the Infinite



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Ralph Waldo Trine is considered a pioneer of the New Thought Movement and his most celebrated book, In Tune With The Infinite, is a sort of guide to this doctrine. Man is considered part of the Flow of Life and Infinite Power that emanates from God and that permeates every living being, but also every thought and every action. Thus, following laws such as that of prosperity and attraction, man is able to open himself to the divine within, and manifest it with fullness of peace, power and abundance. All these things are already present in the spirit, mind and body, but are rejected by negative, self-victimising and surrendering behaviours. The law of prosperity allows you to attract positive things into your life with positive thoughts, and obtain the full powers of a human deity: a human being open to light and harmony, in which the surprising Infinite Spirit of your God is manifested.

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Analysis and key concepts


Thought is a true strength which can be powerful and transformative


Will and the strength that transforms men into ‘God-men’


The fullness of the spiritual life does not allow diseases of the body


The Spirit of Infinite Love is realised only if it is inclusive


Infinite wisdom is illuminated by harmony


Perfect peace can be reached with the law of attraction: like attracts like


Only by being ourselves can we reach our full potential: the fullness of peace, power and abundance


The law of prosperity says that before obtaining something, you need to think it is already yours, to attract it to you


Every man is a Saviour of the world and his fellow men


The only possible religion is the universal one


Do not look for higher wealth outside yourself: it is already inside us


Choosing every day to live in harmony brings us to the Infinite Spirit




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Many useful tips to:

  • Become aware of the supreme consciousness of your life.
  • Reach your full potential.
  • Attract the positive into your life and repel the negative.
  • Become a saviour of the world and other people.
  • Reach a state of harmony with the Infinite Spirit.

Ralph Waldo Trine was born in 1866 and, until his death in 1958, he was a well-known American philosopher, mystic, teacher and author. In Tune With the Infinite is perhaps one of his most famous books, in which the author reveals himself to be a pioneer of the complex ideology known today as the New Thought movement. His doctrine is of harmony and peace with the Infinite Spirit of Life, a new way to live in communion with God, which is more peaceful than the Catholic one. For Trine, the fullness of life can be reached with the awareness of one’s own Godliness, of being without limits and recognising that we are capable of anything. The book is said to have been a favourite of entrepreneur Henry Ford when it was first published.

Publishing house:

The Book Tree





