Invisible Influence

Jonah Berger

Jonah Berger

Invisible Influence



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Invisible influence investigates the important subject of social conditioning and how aware we are of it. Each individual, in fact, tends to influence and be influenced, and this happens in every area of life, from the way we speak to how we dress to the products we choose to buy. Understanding how powerful this influence can be means navigating the world and society with our eyes open. According to John Berger the word influence doesn't have a negative connotation, it can actually be used to improve people’s lives, to solve problems and to help us live our lives with greater awareness. In his book “Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behaviour” Jonah Berger talks about humans in relation to one another, explaining the origins of conditioning and how and why humans attempt to be similar to or different from others. When we live in a community, we are always conditioned to a certain degree, whether we realise it or not. 

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Analysis and key concepts


We are social animals and we influence one another even when we don’t notice


The drive to all be the same is the most common of all


The opposite of imitation is to differentiate and it is equally as powerful


How can studies on social psychology be applied to brands and companies?


The ‘same but different’ principle as the perfect balance that makes everyone happy


Becoming aware of how conditioned we are by the presence of others




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Many useful tips to:

  • Reflect on the concept of social influence.
  • Understand in what way we influence one another.
  • Offer a deeper look into the aspect of social influence applied to marketing.
Jonah Berger is a professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.  He is an expert in word of mouth, viral marketing, social influence, and how products, ideas and behaviours catch on.  He has written articles for academic journals and his articles have been featured in magazines such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and the Harvard Business Review.  He has been a speaker at many conferences and consulted for various companies, among which Apple, Google, Vanguard, Unilever and the Gates Foundation.

Publishing house:

Simon & Schuster





