It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at Work

Jason Fried , David Heinemeier Hansson

It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at Work



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“Working like mad” seems to have become the norm, but even when working at a crazy pace, people actually achieve less. The solution is not working longer hours, but wasting less time and having less distractions. The authors of It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at Work - founders of Basecamp - are committed to making theirs a “calm” company, not driven by stress and haste, and they manage to do so whilst staying profitable. In this book they explain the rationale behind their choices, choices which are available to us all.

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Analysis and key concepts


Your company is a product to improve day by day


Work is not a war: the “anti-objective” mentality at Basecamp


The importance of safe-guarding your own time: 40 hours a week are enough


Productivity vs efficacy: the only way to do more and do it better is by having less to do


A company is not a family: behind multiple benefits hides the thinly-veiled risk of even more working hours


Real-time communication should only play a small role, the rest is asynchronous communication


Nurture talent and hire for skills, not because of a CV


Launch, learn and be prepared for difficult times




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Many useful tips to:

  • Work with less stress and more efficacy.
  • Have a more creative and proactive approach at work.
  • Improve company procedures that are not working.
  • Learn how to make a business profitable, healthy and sustainable, without going nuts!
  • Finally find a balance between work and our private life.

Jason Fried is the co-founder and the CEO of 37 signals, which then became Basecamp. Jason has been asked to speak all over the world about entrepreneurship, design, management and software. He co-wrote all the 37signals books.

David Heinemeier Hansson, as well as being the other co-founder of Basecamp, is the creator of the toolkit for the Ruby on Rails software, used to launch and power over a million web apps among which are Twitter, Shopify and Airbnb. Originally from Denmark, he moved to Chicago in 2005 and now he divides his time between the US and Spain. In his free time he is a race car driver and competes internationally.

Publishing house:

HarperCollins Publisher





