La parola immaginata

Annamaria Testa

La parola immaginata



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La parola immaginata is an important reference for anyone who wants to work as a copywriter. Structured along the lines of an information manual, it is presented as a guidebook for aspiring advertisers. Annamaria Testa expertly illustrates the key features of an advertisement, starting from the very basics, such as the main people involved, and the intensely close teamwork necessary to carry out effective advertising campaigns. She then focuses on the advertisement itself, and the various steps required in its creation. Working as a copywriter means being able to come up with images and suggestions, so as to stimulate a response in the person reading it. Words become part of our thoughts, as they represent concepts and stir emotions, but they also spur action, as they have the power to move people into action.  This book is an invaluable resource on how to communicate through advertising.

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Analysis and key concepts


The advertiser’s job is to tell the product’s story


An advertisement begins in an agency, starting with a client agreement


A good advertising campaign is composed of the perfect combination of visual and written elements


The factors that need to be considered to write a good ad


The construction of a commercial


Build an advertising campaign to convey a message




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn how an advertising agency works and the types of people involved. 
  • Become involved in the copywriting profession.
  • Understand the principle components of advertising and how they differ depending on the type of media channel used. 
  • Learn how to make a commercial.

Annamaria Testa is one of the brightest creative minds to hail from Italy. She began working as a copywriter in 1974, and is now considered to be a key player in advertising and communications in Italy. In 1983, she founded her own advertising agency, which has created advertising campaigns for some very important brands, such as Illy Caffè, Ferrarelle, and Fiat. In 2005, she founded a smaller consulting company, called Progetti Nuovi, which produces advertising campaigns and manages communication projects. She has taught at universities in Rome, Turin, and Milan. Her books on creativity and communication, such as Farsi Capire (2000), La Pubblicità (2003), Le vie del senso (2004), and Minuti scritti (2013), have become absolute must-haves for anybody interested in developing their writing skills. In 2012, she became the first woman involved in advertising to be included in the Italian Art Directors Club’s Hall of Fame.

Publishing house:

Il Saggiatore





