
Jeff Walker




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Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love and Live the Life of Your Dreams, walks us carefully through ‘the process of creating the right product and adapting it to market requirements, to carefully define a list of potential customers to achieve a maximum number of conversions, to improve your brand’s reputation, and offer value to your existing and potential customers. These are just some of the phases involved in the Product Launch Formula® currently used by successful businesses all over the world, through a technique which promises the successful launch of any kind of product or service, including those that have not even been made yet.

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Analysis and key concepts


With its speed of communication, interactivity and accessible costs, the Internet has broken down the barriers to entry for anyone who wants to start a business


The launch of a product or service needs to be managed like an event, not like an advert


Opening the lines of conversation with customers before starting production can help determine whether the product is correctly placed


The pre-launch technique based on content involves offering value to our clients, presenting the product effectively without actually selling it


A launch is also a sequence: it begins with an email letting people know that sales are open for a set period and is closed with a countdown


The post launch phase focuses on non-buying customers and building brand value to lay the foundations for the next launch




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Many useful tips to:

  • Find out how a carefully planned launch forms the basis of success for all products.
  • Learn to sell products that haven’t even been created yet.
  • Make the most of psychological mechanisms to achieve an effective sales strategy.

Jeff Walker, entrepreneur and marketing expert, is the creator of the Product Launch Formula®, an online sales technique, developed through direct experience, which he perfected over several years, eventually transforming it into an actual workable product. Used by thousands of entrepreneurs around the world, Walker’s Formula can be applied to an extremely wide range of products and services, regardless of the size of their market.

Publishing house:

Morgan James Publishing





