Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In



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Lean In is a lengthy discussion on gender equality. Even though we discuss equality between men and women, the reality suggests that there are still antiquated positions for which some tasks belong to men and others to women. There has been a lot of progress over the years, yet the number of women at the table of power is still meagre. This is a challenge for us all: it is up to women to defend their dreams and get over their fears and judgements, and up to men to welcome women and welcome their presence at the tables of power, and to companies to be ready to listen to their needs and offer them alternative options.

If all parties were able to value women’s contributions, our whole society would be a better place. So Sandberg encourages women to stand up for their careers, so that they can reach their full potential, reconcile personal success with professional satisfaction, and live happily, expressing themselves fully and openly.

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Analysis and key concepts


The real problem in our society is that men and women are (still) not equal


Men and women have different ways of reacting to problems


Women need to find the courage to open up, knowing that asking is not a sign of weakness, but a step towards problem solving


Breaking down the barriers that stop women from growing professionally: the partner’s role


To learn to sit at the table, a woman needs to fight her fear


The Sleeping Beauty syndrome


Maternity leave is a hot topic that needs to be examined




Take-home message

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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand why there are still so few female company heads.
  • Learn about the professional journey and private life choices made by Sheryl Sandberg.
  • Establish equal relationships between men and women at home and at work as soon as possible.

Sheryl Sandberg is a woman who has earned herself a seat at the “table of power”, usually reserved for men. As Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, and following a career at Google as vice president of Global Online Sales and Operations, Sandberg speaks openly about her sensitivity to the theme of equality of the sexes. When she realised that she was a minority, from her experience of fatigue, imposed limits and the contradictions in our society, she began to hold conferences on the importance of equality, because women can and must be able to share the same professional objectives as men. The “Lean In” movement she founded is active all over the world and works to generate female empowerment.

Publishing house:

Random House





