Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication

James E. Lukaszewski

Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication



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Not all business problems are crises, but all crises are problems that management must be able to solve in the best way, and as quickly as possible. Crisis communication in particular plays a fundamental role in minimising the risks linked to the reputation (and the very existence) of a company, which is why it must be coordinated effectively and promptly. Crisis communication expert James Lukaszewski shares a wealth of advice gathered over forty years of experience, in his book, Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication.

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Analysis and key concepts


Being unprepared for a crisis can significantly worsen the situation


The first step in managing a crisis is acknowledging the victim dimension


You need a crisis communication plan to manage a crisis


It is essential that you manage interactions with the media through a press conference


Do not forget the new rules of social media in a crisis


One of the most common crises for large companies is how they manage activism




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Many useful tips to:

  • Save your company’s reputation thanks to the advice of a global crisis communication expert.
  • Understand the importance of the victim's point of view in how you approach crisis communication.
  • Activate the right processes and relationships with victims, employees, and the media during a crisis or catastrophe.

James E. Lukaszewski is an American author, speaker, and crisis management consultant. After graduating in public relations and specialising on PR in politics, and acquiring extensive experience in the field, Lukaszewski became a partner of the first American communications management company in the 1980s, and then founded one in his own name. Thanks to his specialisation in the field of crisis communication, Lukaszewski has a forty-year track record of supporting CEOs and managers of countless large companies in the preparation and management of corporate crises, to help them minimise the impact on their reputations. Lukaszewski on Crisis Communication was selected as one of the "30 Best Business Books of 2013".

Publishing house:

Rothstein Associates Inc.





