Make ‘Em Beg To Work For You

Angela Lauria

Make ‘Em Beg To Work For You



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None of your company plans can be achieved without a capable team to help you on the road to success. In "Make ‘Em Beg To Work For You: 7 Steps to Find, Hire, Manage, Reward, and Release All-Star Players to Help Make Your Dream a Reality", Angela Lauria shows us her winning strategy to put together a perfect team of employees. How? It starts with defining your vision, then you need to learn to share it!

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Analysis and key concepts


Company employees should not be clones of the boss, they need to be the missing pieces of the puzzle


The law of attraction also applies to the world of work, where the most qualified people will want to be hired by the best companies, or ones that share their values


Be careful not to create an army of clones! To build a multi-talented team we need to work on ourselves


People no longer accept jobs just to pay the bills, and they certainly won’t beg to work in any company just for the money: the promises to make (and keep) are linked to quality of life


The selection of the perfect candidate should be much longer and detailed than a single interview: you need to see them on the job


A company is constantly evolving, and staff turnover is a part of that evolution, but it is important to remember that every employee is a human being and that getting fired is not pleasant for anyone involved




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Many useful tips to:

  • Learn to hire the right people.
  • Discover the importance of paying someone to think.
  • Develop the best managerial method for your company.

Angela Lauria has a PhD in communication from the European Graduate School (EGS), is the founder of the Author Incubator, and has helped hundreds of people, both leaders and experts, in various fields to write and promote highly successful books. She is the author of the best-sellers “The Difference: 10 Steps to Writing a Book That Matters” and “The Incubated Author: 10 Steps to Start A Movement With Your Message.”

Publishing house:

Independent Publishing





