Making Sense

Sam Harris

Making Sense



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There are some subjects that are difficult to discuss in a purely constructive manner, such as the development of artificial intelligence, genetic modification, consciousness, race, religion, and social injustices. They are issues that polarise opinions, cause outrage, and that we often avoid for fear of being judged. This leaves the field wide open to fake news, ignorance, and authoritarianism. In the book Making Sense: Conversations on Consciousness, Morality, and the Future of Humanity, Sam Harris has collected some of the most inspiring interviews conducted with neuroscientists, philosophers, physicists, and other intellectuals, on his podcast, Making Sense, in an attempt to fight ignorance, and delve into some of the most important questions pertaining to the human mind and modern society.

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Analysis and key concepts


Discussing sensitive topics in a constructive way helps human beings to grow both as individuals, and as a civilisation


One of the most controversial topics discussed today is the conscience, because it is something private and subjective, and the only conscience we have direct experience with our own


Artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly, and needs to be managed ethically


The human mind is much more flexible than previously thought, highlighting the importance of external inputs


The development of technology can positively or negatively affect the brain’s ability to reason


Understanding the inner workings of the human brain can help people to act with greater awareness


One of the questions that intellectuals increasingly find themselves discussing is what the future holds for humanity


Another much debated topic is the possibility of genetically modifying humans in a much more radical way than the random changes caused by evolution


Racism, the potential end of democracy, and fake news, are some of the problems that our society must tackle as soon as possible




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Many useful tips to:

  • Understand the most controversial topics concerning our society.
  • Stop standing by in indignance, and join the fight against ignorance.
  • Learn some fundamental rules to understanding mankind.

Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, and New York Times bestselling author, whose books have been translated into more than twenty languages. In his books, he has dealt with controversial topics such as conscience, moral philosophy, neuroscience, religion, rationality, and meditation. According to Sam Harris, the only way to overcome misinformation and ignorance is through constructive conversations. As an extension of his mission to counter ignorance, he created and hosts the podcast, Making Sense, which won a Webby Award for best podcast in the Science and Education category.

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