Margherita di Spine

Matteo Cambi, Gabriele Parpiglia

Margherita di Spine



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What is the story that lies behind the success of a young brand that is accessible to everyone, like GURU? And what can destroy it in just a few years, leaving its founder millions of euros in debt and even landing them in prison? Matteo Cambi, the key player in the rapid rise and fall of the most famous daisy in Italy, will tell us, in his book Margherita di Spine. Ascesa e caduta dell'inventore di GURU, which he wrote with his friend and journalist, Gabriele Parpiglia.

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Analysis and key concepts


The simplicity of an idea can be the foundation on which to build a brand


The VIP mechanism can be used as a powerful alternative promotion technique


Using the VIP circuit is not enough: people need to see who is behind the brand


A great way to get noticed on national and international markets is to choose the right sponsors


Going out with showgirls gets Cambi lots of magazine covers


Addictions and an erratic lifestyle are the worst enemies of a successful project


An excessive lifestyle of unbridled luxury can bring even the strongest company to its knees


After a collapse there is always a rebirth




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Many useful tips to:

  • Get a closer look behind the scenes of the rise of an international fashion brand.
  • Understand the mistakes to avoid when you are at the head of a business.
  • Remember that even in the darkest life journeys, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

An infant fashion prodigy, Matteo Cambi comes from one of the leading family knitwear businesses in the world. He grew up studying Communications, and had a passion for fashion.  In 1999, he became an entrepreneur and by the age of 22, he had founded his own brand GURU: here he began an unbridled ascent to success, with long working days and heavy nights full of the excesses of the VIP party life, with the likes of Lele Mora and Flavio Briatore. GURU quickly conquered the international market, but success brought with it a somewhat hedonistic life for Cambi, which eventually led to prison. Today Matteo Cambi is back on the straight and narrow: after his community service, he became a first responder, and in 2020 he founded a new fashion brand, Valve.

Born in 1979, Gabriele Parpiglia is a journalist, presenter and television writer, who has made a name for himself in the Italian VIP and gossip circles. After graduating from Cattolica University in Milan, he began a career as a professional journalist, writing for several Italian magazines such as GQ, Chi, TV Sorrisi, Canzoni and Panorama. In recent years, he has also worked on some successful Italian tv shows, such as Verissimo, Big Brother VIP and TikiTaka. Parpiglia writes fiction and biographies, such as Margherita di Spine (The Thorny Daisy) which he co-wrote with its main character and brand founder Matteo Cambi.

Publishing house:

Mondadori Electa





