Marketing 4.0

Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Philip Kotler

Marketing 4.0



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Three power shifts are shaping today’s marketing landscape: the shift to a more horizontal, more inclusive, and more social type of business. Connectivity has radically changed human life, and is the most important turning point in the history of marketing so far. Philip Kotler's Marketing 4.0: From Traditional to Digital helps us gain a real understanding of how the market is evolving, and what the future may hold. Through simple examples and straightforward language, the author provides the tools to plan successful modern marketing strategies that make our customers say: WOW!

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Analysis and key concepts


Today, power no longer belongs to individuals, but to social groups, which are increasingly connected


New customers are young and interactive, but like to experience products physically


In the digital economy, digital interaction alone is not enough, and offline contact is an effective differentiator


Marketing 4.0 aims to move customers towards advocacy, by harnessing their own influence, others' influence, and outer influence


Marketing productivity metrics include, PAR and BAR, which are used to measure the productivity of work


In an increasingly digital world, the importance of the human factor is increasing exponentially


In order to stimulate a customer’s curiosity, we need to use content marketing, and initiate conversations through storytelling


In order to increase customer loyalty, we need to integrate traditional and digital media and experiences




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Many useful tips to:

  • Find our bearings in an increasingly connected world with increasingly evolved consumers.
  • Discover the new rules of digital marketing.
  • Build a loyal and invested customer base.
  • Learn how to stand out from the crowd, and achieve the WOW factor.  

Hermawan Kartajaya is the founder of MarkPlus, Inc., the largest marketing consultancy in Indonesia. He is among the gurus who created the future of marketing, and is one of the co-founders of the Asia Marketing Federation.

Iwan Setiawan is Chief Operating Officer of MarkPlus, Inc. where he helps companies plan marketing strategies. A prolific author, he has a master’s degree in business management from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management.

Philip Kotler is considered the father of modern marketing, and one of the pioneers of social marketing. The Wall Street Journal has named him one of the six most influential business experts in the world. He is the author of more than fifty books, including Marketing Management, which is considered to be one of the most authoritative texts on the subject, and the bestsellers The Future of Marketing and Confronting Capitalism. Managers all around the world have been inspired by his teachings.

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