Time is one of the greatest resources that everyone has at their disposal, but if you don't learn how to manage it correctly, you risk wasting it on unprofitable and unrewarding activities. To be successful in life - at work as well as in your personal relationships - it is important to learn to control your time.
Successful people have 24-hour days, just like everybody else, but what makes them different from others? The way they use their time.
The most important skill, which is the one you need to develop to really make a difference, is the ability to think. Thomas Edison said that thinking was the hardest kind of work there is, so many people would rather die than think. Your attitude towards time and the different ways in which you choose to use it determine the effectiveness and quality of every single aspect of your life.
Short and long-term success is determined by the way you react to the difficulties and changes that will, at times, inevitably occur in life. Often, people simply react in an almost automatic way, not stopping to think about what would be the best thing to do. What they do with their time is out of their control, making them unproductive and, therefore, dissatisfied.
The author suggests dividing time into ten categories, to learn how to maximise the potential of the activities carried out in each of these areas: time for strategic planning and goal setting, time for productivity, time for income improvement, free time, time for work, time for creativity, time for problem solving, time for relationships and family, time for rest and recovery, and quiet time.